

Marion Glück on how to discover your career happiness


Often our darkest moments lead to our best selves.

That was certainly true for Marion Glück. Battling depression as a naval officer led her to reexamine what happiness meant to her. She discovered that while teaching how to lead and motivate people was her passion, the navy was not the right setting for her anymore. She decided to go out on her own and now helps others discover their career happiness as a psychological business coach. Listen in on this BrainyHeart interview with Marion for her tips on how to be happier in your career and beyond!

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About Marion Glück

Marion Glück is a naval officer and holds a degree in business administration. She discovered her passion very early on: training and developing people. But she also learned: if the environment does not suit the person, then crisis and illness follow. She dealt with her depression in her book entitled “Das Leben ist BUND” in order to encourage other people. Today Marion Glück accompanies executives as a psychological coach and mentor. Together with her clients, she opens and heals the heart and connects it to the brain. So that people can see, feel, and enjoy their own happiness. Because life is too short to be unhappy.

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