

Dr. Christian Gruenler on the need to do the right thing


There are around 10 million non-profit organizations in the world.

Everything from one-(wo)man shops to multi-billion dollar organizations with 50 thousand employees and millions of donors. All focused on meaning well and doing good. But is there really a full harmony between heart and mind in this area? And is philanthropy and corporate social responsibility always what it intends to be? That’s what we dive into in this episode of BrainyHeart with Dr. Christian Gruenler, a political scientist and an expert in strategic management of non-profit organizations.

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About Dr. Christian Gruenler

Christian Gruenler is a political scientist and an expert in strategic management of non-profit organizations. He studied international politics and organizational development at the University of Konstanz (Germany) and earned a Ph.D. at the University for Humanistics in Utrecht (The Netherlands). The topic of his theses was the thorny issue of genetic enhancement of the human brain.

Christian started his professional career in a large international re-insurance corporation. He then managed a family office for a few years – a function with a focus on asset management, which obliged Christian to observe world markets and their disturbing ups and downs.

For the last 20+ years, he has been a manager and consultant for a large variety of non-profit organizations in several countries. During this long phase in his life, he was able to form a very clear picture of how civic society works. How values have become important drivers of politics and economic activities. But also, how meaning well does not always lead to effective philanthropic programs.

For more information on Christian and his work visit www.Christian-Gruenler.com

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